Are You Practicing Good Mental Health Habits? Quiz Yourself!

This is a quiz designed to assess whether individuals are practicing good mental health habits. It covers various aspects of mental wellness, including exercise, stress management, self-care, technology usage, emotional expression, mindfulness, workload management, social connections, and work-life balance. Participants can determine their quiz score based on the number of correct answers to gauge their level of adherence to good mental health habits.

  • How often do you engage in physical exercise?
    • Rarely or never

    • Once a week

    • 2-3 times a week

    • Every day

  • Which of the following activities is considered a good stress management technique?
    • Workaholism and excessive busyness

    • Smoking or excessive alcohol consumption

    • Regular sleep patterns and relaxation techniques

    • Ignoring your problems and emotions

  • How often do you make time for activities you enjoy?
    • A few times a month

    • Once a month

    • I rarely prioritize personal activities

    • Regularly, at least once a week

  • Which of the following best describes your approach to self-care?
    • I don't prioritize self-care at all

    • Only when I'm completely burnt out

    • Occasionally, when I remember it's important

    • Regularly, making it a fundamental part of my routine

  • How often do you disconnect from technology or social media?
    • Rarely, I'm constantly connected

    • Once in a while, when I feel overwhelmed

    • A few times a month, for short periods

    • Regularly, I take regular tech breaks

  • Are you able to express your emotions and seek support when needed?
    • I bottle up my emotions and rarely seek support

    • Sometimes, depending on the situation

    • Most of the time, I'm comfortable expressing and seeking support

    • Always, I have a strong support system in place

  • How often do you practice mindfulness or meditation?
    • Never, I don't see the benefit

    • Rarely, only when I'm extremely stressed

    • Occasionally, when I remember to do so

    • Regularly, as part of my daily routine

  • How well do you manage your workload or responsibilities?
    • I'm overwhelmed and can't cope

    • I struggle but manage most of the time

    • I handle my workload well, with occasional challenges

    • I have excellent strategies for managing stress and workload

  • How often do you engage in social activities or connect with others?
    • Rarely, I prefer to be alone

    • Occasionally, when I'm in the mood

    • Frequently, I enjoy socializing with others

    • Regularly, I prioritize spending time with loved ones

  • Do you have a healthy work-life balance?
    • No, work always takes precedence

    • Yes, I have a healthy work-life balance

    • Sometimes, I try to maintain a balance but face challenges

    • Rarely, I struggle to separate work and personal life

10 questions remaining