Do you know these basic scientific knowledge? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • How many days does it take for the Earth to complete its circle around the Sun?
    • 356 days

    • 329 days

    • 365 days

    • 369 days

  • Why do pupils constrict when exposed to strong light?
    • In order to adapt our eyes to 3D

    • To improve our image

    • To increase the blood flow to our eyes

    • To let in less light

  • Can you tell me what the lava is called after it cools?
    • Igneous lava

    • Magma

    • Fossils

    • Lava Lite

  • What travels faster, sound or light?
    • Light

    • Sound

    • Not a single one of them is in motion

    • Both move at the same rate

  • Which of the plants below is the largest?
    • Dandelion

    • Daisy

    • Oak Tree

    • Giant Redwood

  • Among these, which one does not a human body organ?
    • Malus spectabilis

    • Heart

    • Brain

    • Kidney

  • Which one of these becomes a gas when it's at room temperature?
    • Mercury

    • Oxygen

    • Carbon

    • Boron

  • Which of these is a significant cause of global warming?
    • The use of fossil fuels

    • Waste of water resources

    • Overpopulation

    • Pollution of water resources

  • I need to know what comes after this. Earth, Venus, Mercury...
    • Jupiter

    • The moon

    • Mars

    • Saturn

  • What is geology the study of?
    • The study of cuisine

    • The study of creature

    • The study of the seas

    • The study of rocks

10 questions remaining