How knowledgeable are you about birds?

You probably don't pay much attention to birds during your daily life, but you'd certainly miss the sight and sound of them if they ever were to disappear, so it's important to keep an eye on them and make sure we know what they're all about. Let's see how well you know our flying friends!

  • Do you know what the scientific name of the study of birds is?
    • apiology

    • cladistics

    • entomology

    • ornithology

  • How do you say "bird" in Latin?
    • avis

    • ala

    • vole

    • peregrinis

  • What kind of bird flaps its wings so quickly that people can hear the sound?
    • sparrows

    • hummingbirds

    • golden eagles

    • canaries

  • Are birds warm-blooded?
    • yes

    • no

  • Do any species of birds eat meat?
    • yes

    • no

  • Can you name the term for the outside of a bird's mouth?
    • a gape

    • a maw

    • it's just called a mouth

    • a beak

  • Which of these birds has the most bright feathers?
    • peacock

    • parrot

    • macaw

    • all of these

  • What, besides its wings, helps a bird's flight?
    • hollow bones

    • strong muscles

    • a high metabolism

    • all of these

  • Which one of these bird species no longer exists?
    • the dodo

    • the barn swallow

    • the kingfisher

    • the puffin

  • Cygnus is the Latin word, and the genus, for which type of bird?
    • jay

    • swan

    • falcon

    • crow

10 questions remaining