How much do you know about cricket? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • What do you call the small pieces of wood that sit on top of the stumps?
    • Stumpettes

    • Bails

    • Toothpicks

    • Sticks

  • Which international squad is referred to as the Baggy Greens?
    • Australia

    • England

    • India

    • Pakistan

  • Which English county cricket club's emblem has a daffodil?
    • Lancashire

    • Middlesex

    • Essex

    • Glamorgan

  • The renowned Harold "Dickie" Bird is...
    • Umpire

    • Bowler

    • Batsman

    • Commentator

  • The only person on the fielding side who can wear gloves is the wicket keeper. True or false?
    • False

    • True

  • Where did the sport of cricket come from?
    • France

    • Spain

    • England

    • Norway

  • What does the abbreviation LBW stand for?
    • Leg Beyond Width

    • Leg Before Wicket

    • Lol 'Bout to Win

    • Long Ball Wide

  • What does the abbreviation LBW stand for?
    • Belarus

    • Australia

    • Sri Lanka

    • New Zealand

  • In which of these countries does cricket not enjoy widespread popularity?
    • West Indies

    • Myanmar

    • Pakistan

    • India

  • How long does it take for a cricket match to typically last?
    • 90 minutes

    • 48 hours

    • 3 to 5 days

    • A week

10 questions remaining