How much do you know about hockey? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Compared to the other sports listed, which one is most like field hockey?
    • Cricket

    • Chess

    • Ice hockey

    • NFL

  • How many people make up each team?
    • 5

    • 6

    • 9

    • 11

  • What is Field Hockey also known as in many countries?
    • Wood-Leg Football

    • Hurley

    • Hockey

    • Ball Stickington

  • During a game of Field Hockey, what do you call it when you accidentally kick someone in the ankle?
    • A foul

    • A snapper

    • Not my fault!

    • A snorb

  • Wind Hockey is a sport that is played on top of huge cliffs in Wales. It is similar to Field Hockey and Ice Hockey. True or false?
    • False

    • True

  • In 510 BC, when the first Olympics were held, the Ancient Greeks played hockey. What were the hockey sticks made of?
    • Animal horn of some kind

    • A huge seashell

    • A plank of wood

    • Roman slaves' leg bones

  • What country's main sport is field hockey?
    • Germany

    • Holland

    • The UK

    • Mongolia

  • On where can this sport be played?
    • Ice

    • Grass, concrete, or in sports halls

    • Only manmade grass

    • Everywhere

8 questions remaining