How much do you know about IT knowledge? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Which computer had the first color monitor?
    • BBC Micro

    • Amiga 500

    • Apple II

    • iMac

  • How many people, on their first try, allegedly plug their USB gadgets into the wrong port?
    • 0%

    • 54%

    • 79%

    • 86%

  • Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, designed his home layout on a Mac. Is it true or false?
    • False

    • True

  • What is the common term for a computer's main circuit board?
    • Motherboard

    • Surfboard

    • Ironing Board

    • Fatherboard

  • So, what does "I.T." actually mean?
    • Information Technology

    • Ideal Technology

    • Irish Technology

    • Internet Technology

  • Who invented the first modern computer?
    • The Wu Tang Clan

    • Robert E Kahn

    • Bharles Cabbage

    • Charles Babbage

  • Firefox and Opera are...
    • Anti-virus software

    • Browser

    • Website

    • Web page

  • What proportion of the global population has never made a phone call?
    • Less than 10%

    • Less than 20%

    • Nearly 50%

    • Nearly 55%

  • How much money can you receive from Facebook if you find a bug in their code?
    • $0

    • $5

    • $500

    • $5000

  • Can you name the first portable computer?
    • HUAWEI

    • iMac

    • MIT Suitcase Computer

    • ZX Spectrum

10 questions remaining