How Well Do You Know the Rules of Basketball?

This quiz consists of 10 multiple-choice questions designed to test your knowledge of the rules and regulations of basketball. Each question offers four options, and you must select the correct answer out of the given choices. The quiz covers various aspects, including hoop height, player count, violations, scoring, fouls, and penalties. By taking this quiz, you can assess your understanding of basketball rules. Good luck!

  • What is the regulation height for a basketball hoop?
    • 8 feet

    • 9 feet

    • 10 feet

    • 11 feet

  • How many players from each team are allowed on the court during gameplay?
    • 5

    • 6

    • 7

    • 8

  • What is the maximum time a team has to bring the ball past half-court?
    • 5 seconds

    • 8 seconds

    • 10 seconds

    • 24 seconds

  • How many points is a free throw worth?
    • 1

    • 2

    • 3

    • 4

  • When can a player step out of bounds without committing a violation?
    • Anytime during gameplay

    • Only during a timeout

    • Only when fouling another player

    • Never

  • How many fouls does a player have to commit before being disqualified?
    • 4

    • 5

    • 6

    • 7

  • What does the term "traveling" refer to in basketball?
    • Dribbling the ball without moving one's feet

    • Running with the ball without dribbling

    • Interfering with an opponent's shot attempt

    • Passing the ball to a teammate out of bounds

  • How long is the shot clock in professional basketball?
    • 12 seconds

    • 24 seconds

    • 30 seconds

    • 35 seconds

  • What is the penalty for a technical foul?
    • Loss of possession

    • One free throw and loss of possession

    • Two free throws and loss of possession

    • Suspension for the remainder of the game

  • How many quarters are played in a regulation basketball game?
    • 2

    • 3

    • 4

    • 5

10 questions remaining