Is Anyone Here a Medical Professional? Come take this quiz!

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  • Who was the Christian noblewoman who founded Rome's first public hospital?
    • Hilaria

    • Marcella

    • Fabiola

    • Gessius

  • Who was the first modern female doctor? She was an Anglo-American physician.
    • Clara Barton

    • Harriet Rice

    • Elizabeth Blackwell

    • Margaret Sanger

  • Which American student of human sexuality published The Sexual Behavior of the Human Male (1948) and The Sexual Behavior of the Human Female (1953)?
    • Alfred Charles Kinsey

    • Margaret Sanger

    • William H. Masters

    • Virginia E. Johnson

  • What was celebrated in 1711 as both food and a cure for tuberculosis?
    • Galway prunes

    • Tuscarora rice

    • Seaboard garlic

    • Southsea tumeric

  • Can you name the Spanish conqueror who established the first hospital in the Americas?
    • Francisco Pizarro

    • Diego de Amagro

    • Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada

    • Hernán Cortés

  • Which American dental surgeon publicly demonstrated the use of ether anesthesia in surgery for the first time in 1846?
    • Stubbins Ffirth

    • William Thomas Green Morton

    • Alfred Charles Garratt

    • Jonas R. McClintock

  • Which English doctor gave a guy a transfusion of lamb's blood in 1667?
    • Edmund King

    • Roger Bosworth

    • Richard Lower

    • William Atkins

  • Whose medical text Al-Qānūn fī al-ṭibb (The Canon of Medicine) was not used in many medical schools until 1650?
    • Asclepiades of Bithynia

    • Galen

    • Avicenna

    • Erasistratus

  • Who wrote the work De materia medica (c. 77 AD), the most important classic source for modern botanical terminology?
    • Pedanius Dioscorides

    • Caelius Aurelianus

    • Philonides

    • Sextus Placitus

  • Who suggested taking fresh citrus fruit in 1754 and finally cured scurvy?
    • Martin Lister

    • Simon Baskerville

    • James Lind

    • Ralph Bathhurst

10 questions remaining