Let's see where your reading takes you with this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • In an ordinary week, how long do you spend reading?
    • After I finish my homework, I like to read for a while

    • When I'm reading a thick book, I lose track of time

    • One day

    • Several hours

  • In general, what compels you to read?
    • Simply put, I am curious about everything

    • So I can explore the world

    • The past is of great fascination to me

    • I love stars, but I still have many questions

  • What is your favorite genre of book to read?
    • Anything at all

    • Paranormal fiction

    • True stories

    • Historical fiction

  • Can I ask what your favorite word is?
    • Every time I read a book, I have new word to play with

    • Leviosa

    • Topography

    • Cosmology

  • Where do you usually start your library explorations?
    • History

    • Fiction

    • Listen to audiobooks, finish a novel, and then...

    • Science

  • At what time of day do you recommend reading?
    • After dark

    • It's gotten to be nighttime

    • As soon as the sun rises

    • You can enjoy this at any time of day

  • How are you handling your books?
    • They're always in my bag

    • Like a dusty treasure

    • Like a passageway to another realm

    • Very carefully

  • With a free book voucher at your disposal, which author's works would you look into purchasing?
    • Brian Cox, Prof

    • J. R. R. Tolkien

    • Histories books seem both entertaining and educational.

    • I plan to visit a bookstore, but I.P. Daley is definitely on my reading list

  • Which one is your favorite?
    • A scroll that looks like it has been dusted and dipped in tea

    • An old-fashioned book made of paper and magic

    • A tablet

    • If you have a story I can read or listen to, give it to me

  • What's your ideal way for a book to end?
    • It had to do with armor or castles

    • It was fine

    • That's it

    • Unknown ending

10 questions remaining