Reptiles are some of Earth's oldest and most interesting creatures. They are air-breathing vertebrates, with skin covered in scales or bony plates. Most people will recognize them as snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles and tortoises. Do you think you know your reptiles? Take this quiz and find out.
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Box Turtle
Box Turtle
Brazilian Rainbow Boa
Black Rat Snake
Brazilian Rainbow Boa
Blue-tongued Skink
Black-Speckled Palm-Pitviper
Black-Speckled Palm-Pitviper
Masssauga Rattlesnake
Burmese Python
King Cobra
Leopard Gecko
American Alligator
Anatolian Viper
Pig-Nosed Turtle
Box Turtle
Spotted Turtle
African Pancake Tortoise
Western Cottonmouth
Yangtze Mamushi
Dwarf Caiman
Armenian Viper
Banded Day Gecko
Dwarf Caiman
Common Musk Turtle
South African Bowsprit Tortoise
Black-Headed Python
Blue Spiny Lizard
Malayan Gharial
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