Can we guess if you resemble a dog or a cat?

There are two types of people out there -- cat people and dog people. Which kind furry friend do you prefer? Find out by taking this fun and easy quiz!

  • How do you relax when you come home after a long day of work?
    • Hop on Facebook to check out friends and celebrities.

    • Kick off your shoes and watch Netflix.

    • Chowing down on some snacks.

    • Text your friends to see if they would like to go out to dinner.

  • What type of work do you usually like?
    • Action.

    • Rom-com.

    • Edgy humor.

    • Drama.

  • Which of the following answers best describes your personality?
    • Sarcastic and moody.

    • Sarcastic and moody.

    • Fiery and aggressive.

    • Relaxed and laid-back.

  • If you could be fluent in one language, which would it be?
    • Russian.

    • Russian.

    • Russian.

    • Other

  • Is it hard for people to ignore your presence?
    • Yes, it's basically impossible.

    • No, they tend to ignore me.

    • No, they tend to ignore me.

  • Which of the following is your dream job?
    • Supermodel.

    • Job? Please, people do things for me.

    • Getting paid without doing anything.

    • Scientist.

  • Have you ever been charged with being distant, or indifferent?
    • *sigh* yes.

    • Maybe at first, before I warm up to them.

    • Nope!

  • What color eyes do you have?
    • Brown.

    • Green.

    • Blue.

    • Hazel.

  • If you hear footsteps coming closer and closer, and in an abandoned house, you...
    • RUN!

    • Send who ever I am with to check first.

    • Lemme at them!!!!

    • Stay put, I bet they're friendly.

  • If somebody asks a personal question that you don't want to answer, you...
    • Politely avoid it.

    • Ignore and keep talking as though nothing happened.

    • Answer it!

    • Tell the person it's an inappropriate question.

10 questions remaining