Can you dress yourself up as an Avengers character for £10?

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • In what sort of store do you plan on making your purchase?
    • I'll start by looking in my closet.

    • A sports store

    • A charity shop

    • A DIY shop

  • Specifically, what styles of clothing did you envision?
    • I might put on an old clothes that used to belong to my dad

    • I could use an old curtain and a $5 jacket from a shop nearby

    • Maybe a sports suit?

    • I paid £4 for a cool onesie I found at the market

  • What is your budget for the accessories?
    • I'll go to the store and get a pair of glass for £2

    • I'm sure I could find some nice gloves for only £1

    • Approximately £8

    • I'll save my money and see if there's anything I can use at home

  • Which footwear do you plan to use?
    • A pair of wellies from the thrift store

    • If I need to save money, I may go shoeless

    • I will buy a boot for around $2.50

    • Trainers, most likely

  • What is your total cost thus far?
    • £2.5

    • £5

    • £6

    • £8

  • Do you need some color to help you dress up better?
    • What I need is a bucket of blue paint.

    • I need some foil

    • I think I can afford some gold paint.

    • I need to buy a lot of easy to remove green face paint

  • Where do you plan on getting your costume part?
    • I'll buy some colorful paper

    • I'll go to some cheap sports store

    • I found a store where everything costs one pound

    • I just need some cuts to make my clothes a little bit raggy

  • Do you need help to put your outfit together?
    • No, I can do it well

    • I'm fine, thanks

    • Could you do my makeup?

    • That's fine, I'll call you if needed

  • In your opinion, how long would your outfit hold up?
    • If I wore it every day, it may last a week or two

    • I don't think it will break down for a very long time

    • About two hours

    • For a long time, provided I avoid getting wet with the rain

  • What is the grand total of your expenditures?
    • £9

    • £9.50

    • Precisely £10

    • How about, well, around ten pounds?

10 questions remaining