Can you guess where this food is from based on the hints in the picture?

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Do you know where fish and chips come from?
    • Canada

    • The USA

    • The UK

    • Ireland

  • Do you know where cannolis come from?
    • Italy

    • Greece

    • Mexico

    • Spain

  • Do you know where kimchi come from?
    • Japan

    • South Korea

    • Vietnam

    • USA

  • Do you know where croque madame come from?
    • Kosovo

    • Belgium

    • The Netherlands

    • France

  • Do you know where Kiwi pie come from?
    • Australia

    • Ireland

    • New Zealand

    • The USA

  • Do you know where manchego cheese come from?
    • Argentina

    • Spain

    • Portugal

    • Mexico

  • Do you know where nasi lemak come from?
    • Malaysia

    • Japan

    • Indonesia

    • China

  • Do you know where kachumbari salad with fish and ugali come from?
    • Tanzania

    • Kenya

    • Uganda

    • Ethiopia

  • Do you know where tom yum come from?
    • Thailand

    • France

    • South Korea

    • Indonesia

  • Do you know where sushi come from?
    • U.S.

    • Japan

    • China

    • South Korea

10 questions remaining