Can You Identify These Animals With Whiskers?

Take this quiz to see if you can identify all of these animals who actually have whiskers ... You'll be surprised who in the animal kingdom has whiskers and where they're located.

  • Do you know what kind of whiskered animal this is?
    • Mountain goat

    • White-tailed deer

    • Moose

    • Antelope

  • Can you name this striped cat with whiskers?
    • Lion

    • Cheetah

    • Tiger

    • Pather

  • Do you know this small rodent with whiskers?
    • Rat

    • Shrew

    • Mouse

    • Opossum

  • Do you recognize this small animal with whiskers and a bushy tail?
    • Rat

    • Squirrel

    • Mouse

    • Shrew

  • Can you tell us what this whiskered animal is?
    • Cheetah

    • Hyena

    • Coyote

    • Prairie dog

5 questions remaining