Can you tell all these summer insects?

Take this quiz to see if you can tell what all the buzz is about!

  • There are more than 2,000 species of this beetle, which is basically a winged form of the glowworm. Can you name it?
    • Yellowjacket

    • Aphid

    • Firefly

    • Asian Tiger mosquito

  • What is this harmless insect that feasts on plant-destroying aphids, and is said to bring good luck?
    • Locust

    • Ladybug

    • Swallowtail

    • Kissing bug

  • No, it's not illegal to kill this creature, but it's fine to admire its slender green form. Can you name it?
    • Paper Wasp

    • Praying mantis

    • Clover mite

    • Sawfly

  • Scientists call this insect genus Solenopsis, but people trying to enjoy the great outdoors during the summer probably call them
    • Aphid

    • Clover mite

    • Locust

    • Fire ant

  • Found throughout all of North America, name this flying insect that can deliver multiple, painful stings.
    • Paper wasp

    • Chigger

    • Dragonfly

    • Fruit fly

  • Black and shiny with orange and red markings, can you name this oversized beetle that is on the endangered list?
    • Summer cicada

    • American burying beetle

    • Wheel bug

    • Northern ladybug

6 questions remaining