Do you know anything about Christmas? Take this quiz!

Have you ever wondered how other people celebrate Christmas? Take this quiz to find out!

  • Which nation FORBID celebrating Christmas from 1969 to 1998?
    • Iceland

    • New Zealand

    • Finland

    • Cuba

  • A pig's head and mustard were once the typical English Christmas meal. Is this true?
    • False

    • True

  • Which of the following is NOT an name for Santa Claus in other cultures?
    • Pere Noel (France)

    • Le Befana (Italy)

    • Old Man Pudding-Beard (Guernsey)

    • Kriss Kringle (Germany)

  • Roasted mopane caterpillars are a common holiday treat in South Africa. They add a nice crunch to any meal. Is it true or false that...
    • False

    • True

  • McDonald's is the most ordered holiday food in Japan. Is it true or false?False - it's actually KFC
    • False - it's actually KFC

    • Yes!

  • When do people in Russia and Greece usually celebrate Christmas?
    • Two to three weeks following December 25th

    • In the summer

    • They don't celebrate Christmas

    • On par with everyone else

  • Can you tell me about the customs of Christmas morning in Venezuela?
    • Go rollerskating

    • Play snooker with Brussels sprouts

    • Chase people dressed as Father Christmas

    • Argue about the washing up

  • What is the reason for Norwegians hiding their brooms at Christmas?
    • So as not to upset the broom goblin

    • Because they tell such embarrassing jokes

    • In case witches try to take them

    • So that they won't have to clean

  • What do the people of the Netherlands use instead of Christmas stockings?
    • Boots

    • Clogs

    • Tulips

    • Old socks

  • Which of these does NOT belong at a Russian family's christmas dinner?
    • Pickled herring

    • Soup

    • Pineapple pizza

    • Dumplings

10 questions remaining