Do you know anything about fruit and vegetables? Take this quiz!

Take this quiz and test your knowledge of fruit and vegetables.

  • What do you call someone who doesn't eat meat?
    • Vegetarian

    • Vegan

    • Veg-heads

    • Vegemite

  • Is it true or incorrect that carrots were once purple.
    • True

    • False

  • Which of these fruits is an indigenous British fruit?
    • Mangoes

    • Apples

    • Blackberries

    • Kiwis

  • What does the word "ananas" mean in the majority of languages?
    • Pineapple

    • Pear

    • Satsuma

    • Strawberry

  • Which category best describes a mushroom—fruit or vegetable?
    • Fruit

    • Vegtable

    • Both

    • Neither

  • Which one of these does not belong to the vegetable category?
    • Cucumber

    • Peppers

    • Tomato

    • All of the above

  • Which one of these is not actually a type of fruit?
    • Dragon fruit

    • Starfruit

    • Blobfruit

    • Custard Apple

  • Coconuts falling on people's heads causes more deaths than shark attacks combined, right?
    • True

    • False

  • What causes fruit and veg green?
    • Vitamin A

    • They get picked before they're ripe

    • They grow underground

    • A substance called chlorophyll

  • What is the proportion of water in a potato?
    • 20%

    • 50%

    • 75%

    • 80%

10 questions remaining