Do you know anything about Japanese culture? Take this quiz!

How well-versed are you in Japanese culture and cuisine? We hope you'll take our massive quiz on this Asian country to prove your encyclopedic knowledge.

  • Where in the world is Japan located? The nation of Japan is...
    • North of China, West of Russia

    • West of the UK

    • South of Korea

    • East of China, South of Russia

  • What one of these is NOT a Japanese city?
    • Nagoya

    • Yokohama

    • Seoul

    • Hiroshima

  • Do you know what Japanese cuisine is well-known for?
    • Seafood

    • Porridge

    • Spicy food

    • Sandwiches

  • Explain the concept of Shinkansen to me.
    • A bullet train

    • A pop band

    • An area in Tokyo

    • A type of sushi

  • Can you tell me the location of this reputed castle?
    • Sapporo

    • Fukuoka

    • Osaka

    • Kobe

  • Which two religions account for the majority in Japan?
    • Shinto and Buddhism

    • Religion isn't very popular.

    • Shinto and Islam

    • Buddhism and Christianity

  • Tokio has a famous mountain, what's the name of this famous mountain?
    • Mount Fiji

    • Mount Everest

    • Mount Fuji

    • Ben Nevis

  • Choose the item that does not originate in Japan.
    • Chopsticksi

    • Emojis

    • Selfie sticks

    • Anime

  • Fugu, or pufferfish, is commonly served in Japanese restaurants. What makes this pufferfish so exceptional?
    • If not handled properly, it is extremely toxic.

    • It has the aroma of eggs but the flavor of cheese.

    • The ancient Emperors loved this dish.

    • It has the potential to treat 567 diseases.

  • What exactly is a bonsai?
    • A type of martial art

    • A tiny tree

    • Dish containing of noodles

    • A manga series

10 questions remaining