Do you know anything about mountains? Take this quiz

We, like most people, find great beauty in the majesty of the world's tallest peaks. Can you name several mountains? On your mark, get ready ...... Climb!

  • Can you name the world's tallest mountain?
    • Mount Doom

    • Mount Everest

    • Mont Blanc

    • Olympus Mons

  • Which mountain has the highest peak in the United Kingdom?
    • Sid Nevis

    • George Nevis

    • Ben Nevis

    • Carl Nevis

  • Which nation is Snowdon located in?
    • Canada

    • England

    • USA

    • Wales

  • Which mountain in England is the tallest?
    • Snowdon

    • Ben Nevis

    • Scafel Pike

    • Mason Mount

  • Find the Asian mountain range that cuts across Tibet.
    • Himalayas

    • Rockies

    • Andes

    • Alps

  • Which of these mountain ranges is located in Europe?
    • The Alps

    • The Atlas Mountains

    • The Rockies

    • The Andes

  • Which of the following adventurers was one of the first to climb Mount Everest?
    • Scott

    • Norgay

    • Shackleton

    • Bear Grills

  • When asked why he wanted to climb Everest, what did a famous climber respond with?
    • Because it's there

    • To be famous

    • To get rich our die trying

    • Because of the view

  • Where among these mountain range would you have the best chance of spotting a cougar?
    • A Toblerone

    • The Alps

    • The Atlas Mountains

    • The Rockies

  • Find the mountain range that crosses the USA.
    • The Rockies

    • The Big Macs

    • The Alps

    • The Himalayas

10 questions remaining