Do you know anything about Scottish history? Take this quiz!

Scotland has a very long history. How much Scottish history do you know? Take this quiz to check your knowledge.

  • Which of these was initially designed of in Scotland?
    • The television

    • The fridge

    • The telephone

    • All of the above

  • Is it true or not that Macbeth was a real Scottish king?
    • True

    • False

  • Which nation was Mary, Queen of Scots, raised in when she was a child?
    • England

    • Spain

    • France

    • Scotland

  • The current capital of Scotland is Edinburgh; however, which of these cities was previously Scotland's capital?
    • Stirling

    • Dundee

    • Glasgow

    • Inverness

  • When someone mentions "the honours of Scotland," what exactly do they mean?
    • Scots literature, or the works of Scotland's famous authors

    • Special medals you get for bravery in battle

    • The Scottish crown jewels

    • Ancient books about Scotland's history

  • When exactly did Highlanders first begin donning the kilt?
    • They have never worn kilts

    • Medieval era

    • The 16th century

    • Victorian times

  • During the ninth century, who exactly was responsible for invading Scotland?
    • The Swiss

    • The English

    • The Romans The English

    • The Vikings

  • The name Elsie Inglis is no stranger. Do you know who she is?
    • Popular Scottish musician

    • The woman who invented the telephone

    • A pioneering docto and activists for women's suffrage

    • A famous friend of Mary Queen of Scots

  • What is James Braidwood, a Scotsman, best known for?
    • Among his many accomplishments was establishing the London Fire Brigade

    • He discovered a cure for measles

    • As far as we know, he was the first Scotsman to reach the summit of Everest

    • In a bar, he once chatted with Billy Connolly

  • Which of these well-known works for kids was written by a Scotsman?
    • Peter Pan

    • Treasure Island

    • The Wind and the Willows

    • All of them!

10 questions remaining