Do you know anything about the counties of England? Take this quiz!

Ready to test your knowledge of England? Get started!

  • Can you tell me where Cornwall is located?
    • South west

    • South east

    • North west

    • North east

  • Find the largest county in England.
    • Norfolk

    • Yorkshire

    • Kent

    • Derby

  • The counties of Surrey and Sussex are next to one another. Does this hold true or false?
    • No they're not

    • Yes they are

  • Which country is neighboring Cheshire?
    • Scotland

    • France

    • Wales

    • Ireland

  • Can you tell me the number of English counties?
    • 25

    • 26

    • 27

    • 28

  • Which of the following county names are made up?
    • Giesley

    • Cumberland

    • Worcester

    • Stafford

  • Where exactly is Lanarkshire located?
    • It's in Scotland

    • East of Yorkshire

    • Next to Gloucester

    • You made that one up too!

  • What state is next to France?
    • Dorset

    • Essex

    • Kent

    • Surrey

  • Where in the country is Leeds located?
    • Northants

    • Devon

    • North Yorkshire

    • West Yorkshire

  • Which of the following statements is true?
    • Cambridge is a city, Oxford isn't

    • Oxford is a city AND a county

    • Cambridge is a county

    • Oxford and Cambridge are both fictional

10 questions remaining