Do you know anything about the history of World War I? Take this quiz!

Can you score a perfect 100 on the World War I quiz?

  • How long did World War 1 last?
    • 1914 - 1918

    • 1921 - 1926

    • 1929 - 1944

    • 1937 - 1942

  • Which army did these helmets belong to?
    • USA

    • Italy

    • Germany

    • Britain

  • Between 1918 and 1920, there was a huge war and a pandemic. What was the name of the illness?
    • Spanish flu

    • English flu

    • German flu

    • Covid 1919

  • In total, how many Indians did the British have fighting in World War I? (India was part of the British Empire back then)
    • 7,000

    • 30,000

    • 50,000

    • 140,000

  • In 1917, the Brits detonated the war's largest explosion in a secret tunnel network under German defenses. How many people killed in the London-hearing explosion?
    • 500

    • 4,100

    • 7,800

    • 10,000

  • Which type of combat characterizes World War 1 the most?
    • Trench warfare

    • Cavalry warfare

    • Guerilla warfare

    • Electronic warfare

  • Do you know what was Big Bertha?
    • A massive gun

    • A secret alias for Winston Churchill

    • One variety of tank

    • Shortened form of Kaiser Wilhelm's name

  • During World War I, the Ottoman Empire was a big player, but when it lost, it fell apart. Most of the Ottoman Empire was in what country?
    • Libya

    • Turkey

    • Russia

    • Romania

  • During World War 1, 8 million horses were died. True or false?
    • False

    • True

  • During World War I, chlorine gas was first used as a weapon. What did soldiers do to protect themselves from gas attacks before they got gas masks?
    • Paper bag respiration

    • Wait with bated breath

    • Pee on a washcloth and use it to cover their mouths

    • Run away

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