Do you know how to care for your dog?

Prove your knowledge on the best ways to care for your furry forever friend!

  • What are the main causes of obesity in dogs?
    • Lack of exercise

    • Treats high in fat content

    • Overfeeding

    • Eating grass

  • What should you do if you discover that your dog has chewed unapproved items in the past?
    • Yell at the dog

    • Clean it up, and don't address the dog

    • Spank the dog

    • Leave the mess

  • Which of the following behaviors is NOT a sign that a dog may bite?
    • Tense body

    • Flicking tongue

    • Furrowed brow

    • Wagging tail

  • What is the meaning of the command "follow up"?
    • Lie down

    • Sit

    • Walk close to my side

    • Play dead

  • How often should you clean your dog?
    • Daily

    • Once per month

    • Never

    • Once per year

  • Which of these foods is poisonous to dogs?
    • Bread

    • Chocolate

    • Bacon

    • Ice cream

  • What disease might a dog try to eat grass as a natural remedy for?
    • Feeling too full

    • Gassy or upset stomach

    • Fleas

    • Lack of energy

  • How old is a puppy to develop full bladder control?
    • Three weeks old

    • One year old

    • Three weeks old

    • Six months old

  • Which body function is not the same in dogs as in humans?
    • Sweating

    • Sight

    • Digestion

    • Stretching muscles

  • Which of the following is not a safe toy for dogs?
    • A thick rope

    • Water balloons

    • Rubber bone

    • Rubber bone

10 questions remaining