Do you know the national anthems of all countries in the world? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Do you know which country's national anthem was written by Francis Scott Key?
    • Canada

    • United Kingdom

    • France

    • United States

  • What city is the name of the national anthem of France?
    • Toulous

    • Marseille

    • Lyon

    • Paris

  • What is the name of the UK's national anthem?
    • National Anthem of Great Britain

    • Britain the Beautiful

    • God Save the Queen/King

    • Royal Overture

  • Find out which of the following anthems celebrates the "the True North, strong and free."
    • Russia

    • Finland

    • Canada

    • New Zealand

  • Which country has a national anthem that was written in the sixteenth century?
    • The Netherlands

    • Nepal

    • Egypt

    • Kyrgyzstan

  • Who was the President when the U.S. national anthem was officially adopted?
    • Rutherford B. Hayes

    • Herbert Hoover

    • John Quincy Adams

    • Harry S. Truman

  • Which nation's national anthem was divided in two upon its dissolution?
    • Korea

    • Prussia

    • Yugoslavia

    • Czechoslovakia

  • Which country's national anthem was initially composed in 1935 for a film?
    • India

    • Nigeria

    • Mexico

    • China

  • Can you name the nation whose national anthem is sung in Xhosa, Zulu, Sesotho, Afrikaans, and English?
    • South Africa

    • Democratic Republic of the Congo

    • India

    • Angola

  • To what does the Japanese national anthem, "Kimigayo," refer?
    • The sun

    • Mount Fuji

    • Samurai

    • The emperor

10 questions remaining