Do you know the Roman Empire? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Who is generally agreed upon as the final (though illegal) emperor of Western Rome?
    • Glycerius

    • Romulus Augustulus

    • Olybrius

    • Probus

  • How old was Gordian III when he became Roman Emperor?
    • 7

    • 10

    • 13

    • 17

  • Which well-known church did Emperor Justinian I order to be built?
    • St. Peter’s Basilica

    • Santa Croce

    • San Marco Basilica

    • Hagia Sophia

  • Which dynasty did Emperor Vespasian establish?
    • Severan dynasty

    • Flavian dynasty

    • Gordian dynasty

    • Decian dynasty

  • At the Battle of Mursa, Constantius II was victorious over whom?
    • Allectus

    • Eugenius

    • Magnentius

    • Calocaerus

  • Who was in charge of the Roman army back in antiquity?
    • Consul

    • Governor

    • Tribune

    • Prefect

  • What is the name of the Roman lighthouse that is on the list of World Heritage sites?
    • Patara Lighthouse

    • Hidirlik Tower

    • Tower of Hercules

    • Leptis Magna Lighthouse

  • Hannibal crossed the Alps during which war?
    • Mercenary War

    • Second Punic War

    • Chremonidean War

    • Pyrrhic War

  • Who was Rome's fabled founder?
    • Claudius

    • Hannibal

    • Julius Caesar

    • Romulus

  • What well-known Italian artist is resting in the Pantheon?
    • Filippo Lippi

    • Raphael

    • Giovanni Bellini

    • Sandro Botticelli

10 questions remaining