Do you know who said it? Check your knowledge of well-Known quotations!

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  • “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”
    • Winston Churchill

    • Marie-Antoinette

    • John F. Kennedy

    • Joseph Stalin

  • “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
    • Socrates

    • Martin Luther King, Jr.

    • Confucius

    • Oliver Wendell Holmes

  • “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”
    • George Foreman

    • Napoleon I

    • J. Robert Oppenheimer

    • Alexander the Great

  • “I came, I saw, I conquered.”
    • Dwight Eisenhower

    • Julius Caesar

    • Steve Jobs

    • Julius Caesar

  • “Hate the sin and not the sinner.”
    • Mahatma Gandhi

    • Frank Sinatra

    • Napoleon I

    • Brigham Young

  • God “does not play dice.”
    • Bill Clinton

    • Albert Einstein

    • George Washington

    • Pope John Paul II

  • “The report of my death was an exaggeration.”
    • Bernie Madoff

    • Elvis Presley

    • Ronald Reagan

    • Mark Twain

  • “We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock; the rock was landed on us.”
    • Malcolm X

    • Dolly Parton

    • Charles Cornwallis

    • Henry Ford

  • “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”
    • Sun Tzu

    • Douglas MacArthur

    • Muhammad Ali

    • Jack the Ripper

  • “The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.”
    • Thomas Edison

    • Vince Lombardi

    • Benjamin Franklin

    • Abraham Lincoln

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