Do you want to know which instrument is better for you, take this quiz!

Answer a series of insightful questions about your musical tastes, desired playing style, and personal characteristics, and let this quiz unveil the instrument that resonates with you on a profound level. So, embark on this musical journey and find out which instrument is destined to be your perfect match!

  • What type of music do you enjoy most?
    • Pop

      Photo by Paweł Bukowski on Unsplash

    • Rock

      Photo by Melanie van Leeuwen on Unsplash

    • Classical

      Photo by Stefany Andrade on Unsplash

    • Jazz

      Photo by Jens Thekkeveettil on Unsplash

  • What type of sound do you prefer?
    • Loud and powerful

      Photo by Namroud Gorguis on Unsplash

    • Soft and sweet

      Photo by Gregory wong on Unsplash

    • Mellow and soothing

      Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash

    • Complex and rich

      Photo by Brian Kostiuk on Unsplash

  • What type of playing style do you enjoy?
    • Fast and aggressive

      Photo by Kyle Wong on Unsplash

    • Slow and melodic

      Photo by Derek Truninger on Unsplash

    • Precise and technical

      Photo by Joel Wyncott on Unsplash

    • Improvisational and creative

      Photo by Jisu Han on Unsplash

  • What level of physicality do you prefer in playing an instrument?
    • Fluid and dextrous movements

      Photo by Hector Bermudez on Unsplash

    • High energy and movement

      Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

    • Combination of precision and physicality

      Photo by Francisco Moreno on Unsplash

    • Minimal movement with precision

      Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

  • How important is versatility in an instrument to you?
    • Not important

      Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

    • Somewhat important

      Photo by James Stamler on Unsplash

    • Very important

      Photo by Felipe Portella on Unsplash

    • Critical

      Photo by Mike Giles on Unsplash

  • Are you willing to invest time in learning a complicated instrument?
    • Yes, I enjoy a challenge

      Photo by baher khairy on Unsplash

    • Somewhat, as long as it's not too difficult

      Photo by Evgeny Lazarenko on Unsplash

    • I prefer a simpler instrument

      Photo by Samuel Ramos on Unsplash

    • No, I want something easy to learn

      Photo by Bogomil Mihaylov on Unsplash

  • How important is the social element of playing an instrument?
    • Not important

      Photo by Roberta Sorge on Unsplash

    • Somewhat important

      Photo by Massimo Sartirana on Unsplash

    • Very important

      Photo by Markus Gjengaar on Unsplash

    • Critical

      Photo by Gabriel Barletta on Unsplash

  • What is your budget for purchasing an instrument?
    • Under $100

      Photo by Keagan Henman on Unsplash

    • $100-$500

      Photo by frame harirak on Unsplash

    • $500-$1000

      Photo by Melvin Darrell on Unsplash

    • Over $1000

      Photo by Jens Thekkeveettil on Unsplash

8 questions remaining