Find Out Which Disney Prince You Are!

Have you ever been distracted while watching a Disney film by the thought of which prince you most resemble? What was that? Take this personality quiz!

  • Choose a set of colors from the following.
    • Red and navy

    • Purple and pink

    • Green, just green.

    • Blue and gold

  • Who are your roommates?
    • My family

    • The man who handles everything for me as my servant

    • Nobody, I'm by myself!

    • Since I really don't live anywhere, I don't really live with anyone.

  • Which of your possessions do you value the most?
    • I have a rose here

    • My cash

    • It's just me and my ukulele.

    • My freedommy cash

  • Do you hope for something?
    • To return to my true human form

    • Possessing a lot of money

    • In search of my true love

    • To relax

  • In your free time, what do you enjoy doing the most?
    • Stealing

    • The music and dancing have stopped, and all that is left is the typical behavior of a swamp creature.

    • Snarling, mainly

    • Swashbuckling and being great

  • If you had free time, what would you do?
    • Complaining

    • Imagine traveling on a flying carpet

    • Go around

    • Being attractive

  • Tell me about your favorite foods.
    • Flies

    • Caviar

    • Meat

    • Everything

  • Who is your friend?
    • I have none

    • My parents

    • My classmate

    • Like-minded people

  • Specifically, what is it that you fear the most?
    • This is my duty

    • Voodoo and Crocodiles

    • Abandonment

    • The Police

  • What profession would you choose if you weren't a Prince?
    • A butcher

    • An estate agent

    • Police officer

    • Athletes

10 questions remaining