Find Out Which Novel You Should Read Next!

Do you need help deciding what to read next? Why not take this test and see if it helps! Having no book to read on the fly is the worst!

  • Which of these is your preferred topic?
    • Science

    • English

    • History

    • Magic

  • What is your preferred food?
    • Cucumber

    • Bread

    • Carrots

    • Eggs

  • If you could go anywhere in time, where would you go?
    • The 18th Century

    • The Medieval Era

    • Next Tuesday

    • The Future

  • Which animal best describes who you are?
    • Owl

    • Eagle

    • Monkey

    • Worm

  • What would you do if a unicorn appeared in front of you?
    • Teach it kite flying skills

    • Explore its history

    • Journey into the sunset

    • Investigate its magical properties

  • What is your preferred style of hat?
    • A Magic hat

    • A comfortable beanie

    • A Baseball cap

    • A tall hat

  • What color are you wearing today?
    • Orange

    • Blue

    • White

    • Black

  • What is your ideal career?
    • Teacher

    • Bus Driver

    • Astronaut

    • Athlete

8 questions remaining