Guess where you will travel this year?

Need a vacation but have no idea where to go? Find out where you should go on vacation this summer by taking this quiz!

  • The choice is yours for a snack:
    • A whole leg of mutton

    • Garlic bread

    • Cheese on toast

    • A fresh coconut

  • What is the maximum distance you are willing to travel?
    • A 14 hour flight, 3 changes, a train journey and then a 10 hour bus

    • Just a car journey

    • A short flight

    • A 6 hour flight

  • What kinds of enjoyable activities do you enjoy during vacation?
    • Go bungee jumping

    • Visit museums

    • Hike up mountains

    • Dive bomb into swimming pools

  • Choose an animal:
    • Alligator

    • Piglet

    • Golden Eagle

    • Puppy

  • Are you an adventurous person?
    • Not at all

    • A bit

    • Sure

    • Very

  • Choose an activity from the following.
    • Wearing raincoats

    • Eating candy

    • Playing frisbee on the beach

    • Learning about other cultures

  • When you're on vacation, what are some of your favorite foods to eat?
    • Food that's mostly like what you eat at home

    • The same food you like to eat at home

    • Food that's BIGGER and GREASIER than the food you eat at home

    • Unusual and exotic dishes you've never heard of before.

  • If you were to miss your flight back, what would you do?
    • Get really stressed out

    • Just take the bus, it's not that far

    • Stay another week

    • Learn the language and stay there forever

  • Can you describe the best part of a vacation?
    • Having fun

    • Spending time with family

    • Seeing totally new things

    • Relaxing

  • What type of music do you like?
    • Flamenco

    • Tom Jones

    • Pop

    • Metal

10 questions remaining