Have you ever wondered what genre of film represents you?

Are you an action movie type of person or a funny animator? Find out by taking this awesome quiz!

  • When traveling for a long period of time, what do you do to spend the time?
    • Tot up all the red vehicles.

    • Read a book

    • Play games on a tablet

    • Poke my head out of the window

  • You've got a raging hunger. What kind of a snack would you like?
    • Something wrapped in tin foil

    • A cup of coffee and a croissant

    • A custard pie to throw at your friend's face

    • A gigantic sandwich

  • What kind of shoes do you like the most?
    • Silver trainers

    • Big, thick boots

    • Like ones a clown would wear

    • Any, but they all seem to have 'ANDY' written on the sole

  • How can one most effectively cool down when the temperature outside is high?
    • Attempt a daring pool dive.

    • Eat an ice cream

    • Relax in front of a defrosted freezer

    • Go to the North Pole

  • What is your bedroom setting like?
    • Full of gadgets and posters of space

    • Nothing out of the ordinary

    • Like a car has driven through it

    • You can't move for toys

  • In a single sitting, how many pizza slices can you eat?
    • Four, probably

    • Depending on my hunger levels, either 5 or 6.

    • 3 - need to leave room for ice cream

    • Please continue.

  • Specifically, what is it about candy that you enjoy the most?
    • Something chewy, like toffee

    • Milk chocolate

    • Loads of bubblegum

    • Candy floss

  • When you're drawing, what do you like to depict most?
    • My house or my pets

    • A funny picture of my teacher

    • Plans and maps of the structure being constructed

    • Planets or cool looking aliens

  • What is your preferred type of animal?
    • A bird capable of using a computer

    • A sassy cat

    • Octopus - they sort of look like aliens

    • A dog who drools everywhere

  • Give us a quick summary of who you are.
    • Brave

    • Cool as a cucumber

    • Adventurous

    • Extremely funny

10 questions remaining