"How Balanced Is Your Diet?"

This quiz aims to assess the balance of your diet based on common dietary guidelines. By answering the 10 questions, you can get an idea of how well you are maintaining a balanced approach towards your food choices and overall nutrition. Each question provides four options, and the correct answer is indicated for each. Upon completion, you can reflect on your answers and determine the overall balance of your diet. It's important to keep in mind that this quiz provides a general evaluation and should not replace advice from a registered dietitian or healthcare professional.

  • How often do you eat fruits and vegetables?
    • Rarely or never

    • Occasionally

    • Most days of the week

    • Every day

  • How frequently do you consume processed or fast food?
    • Several times a day

    • Once a day

    • A few times a week

    • Rarely or never

  • What is the main source of protein in your diet?
    • Red meat

    • Poultry

    • Fish and seafood

    • Plant-based proteins (beans, tofu, lentils)

  • How often do you include whole grains in your meals?
    • Rarely or never

    • Occasionally

    • Most days of the week

    • Every day

  • How often do you consume sugary beverages or drinks?
    • Multiple times a day

    • Once a day

    • A few times a week

    • Rarely or never

  • How frequently do you include dairy products in your diet?
    • Multiple times a day

    • Once a day

    • A few times a week

    • Rarely or never

  • How often do you eat fried or greasy foods?
    • Multiple times a day

    • Once a day

    • A few times a week

    • Rarely or never

  • How many servings of water do you drink in a day?
    • None

    • 1-2 servings

    • 3-4 servings

    • 5 or more servings

  • How frequently do you consume snacks or desserts high in added sugars?
    • Multiple times a day

    • Once a day

    • A few times a week

    • Rarely or never

  • How often do you use salt or high-sodium condiments in your meals?
    • Multiple times a day

    • Once a day

    • A few times a week

    • Rarely or never

10 questions remaining