How did you do on this Leonardo da Vinci vs. Michelangelo quiz? Come and try it!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Who did the famous Mona Lisa painting?
    • Both

    • Michelangelo

    • Neither

    • Leonardo da Vinci

  • Which famous artist has Rome littered with his or her architectural creations?
    • Both

    • Michelangelo

    • Neither

    • Leonardo da Vinci

  • Can you tell me which artist also wrote poetry?
    • Both

    • Michelangelo

    • Neither

    • Leonardo da Vinci

  • Who did the David statue?
    • Both

    • Michelangelo

    • Neither

    • Leonardo da Vinci

  • Who created the famous fresco of a biblical scene?
    • Both

    • Michelangelo

    • Neither

    • Leonardo da Vinci

  • Who was the artist who spent years working on an unfinished equestrian sculpture ?
    • Both

    • Michelangelo

    • Neither

    • Leonardo da Vinci

  • Only reproductions and sketches of a mural by which artist for Florence's Palazzo Vecchio have survived to the present day?
    • Both

    • Michelangelo

    • Neither

    • Leonardo da Vinci

  • Who was it that used mirrored writing to keep long notes on art and science?
    • Both

    • Michelangelo

    • Neither

    • Leonardo da Vinci

  • Who passed away in France?
    • Both

    • Michelangelo

    • Neither

    • Leonardo da Vinci

  • Whose birthplace was the Republic of Florence?
    • Both

    • Michelangelo

    • Neither

    • Leonardo da Vinci

10 questions remaining