How much do you know about island survival?

Have you ever considered whether you could make it on a desert island? Test your knowledge of survival skills with our quiz!

  • Now that you've reached the island, what should you do first?
    • Have a look to see if any of your belongings were washed ashore.

    • Discover a source of water

    • Seek shelter

    • Get that tan in gear!

  • What would be the best material to use in constructing a safe shelter?
    • Trees and leaves

    • Shipwreck rubble

    • Sand — build yourself a huge sandcastle and call it home!

    • A shelter is for sissies; you don't need one.

  • You're feeling hungry; which one of these sounds best to you right now?
    • Dead animal that washed up on the shore

    • There are some exotic berries here

    • Fish

    • Your shoes

  • If there are aggressive predators on the island, how can you safeguard yourself?
    • Keep howling; the predators will be afraid of YOU now

    • Put yourself in hiding by digging a hole

    • Paint yourself camoflage colours with mud

    • Create a spear from a stick

  • If you're in a situation where you have access to food, shelter, and water, what should you do next?
    • Send out a distress signal to any nearby ships or planes.

    • Relax and take a seat.

    • Get out there and see if you can meet some new people.

    • Teaching a parrot some rude words

  • If you construct a raft, you can escape the island, but what will you use to build it?
    • Wood

    • Stone

    • Animal bones

    • Bubble wrap

  • As the sun sets, the temperature drops - When you need to start a fire, what do you do?
    • Throw gasoline on the wood and hope it catches fire

    • Breathe on the wood with your hot breath

    • Produce a spark via friction

    • Hold some sticks up to the sun and hope for the best

  • Why would you think that covering yourself in mud would be a good idea?
    • To indulge in a nice full-body mud mask that is wonderful for the skin.

    • For the purpose of blending in with your surroundings.

    • In order to entice animals

    • As a measure of defense against the heat and bugs

  • What can you do to try to attract the attention of any ships or planes that may be passing by?
    • Put a message in a bottle and send it out

    • Jump up and down and yell 'Help!' very loudly

    • Do nothing, preserve your energy and hope someone will see you

    • Spell the letters "S.O.S." using large stones and place them on the beach

  • And finally, what are your plans to ensure that you continue to maintain your sanity?
    • Sing some songs

    • Draw pictures in the sand

    • Make an effort to recall the story of each movie that you've watched

    • All of the above

10 questions remaining