How much do you know about plants? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Where do the vast majority of cactus come from?
    • Africa

    • North or South America

    • Garden centres

    • China

  • Seventy thousand plants are used by humans for medicinal purposes, but only about thirty are used for food. Is it true or false?    
    • False

    • True

  • What are the ingredients in chocolate?
    • A species of leaf

    • A species of insect

    • A variety of bean

    • A variety of nut

  • Actually, mushrooms are botanicals. Is it true or false?    
    • False, they share more in common with animals than plants

    • True! They just have an odd appearance

  • Choose the one that is NOT a plant.
    • Numibian Honking Fern

    • American Skunk Cabbage

    • Sausage Tree

    • Sneezewort

  • Plants have a wide variety of methods for dispersing their seeds. But which of these didn't really happen?
    • Having them become caught on the fur of animals or the feet of insects

    • By having the wind carry them

    • By selling them for extra sunlight

    • With the help of water flotation, of course

  • The plant that grows the fastest in the world is a type of bamboo that grows so quickly you could watch it grow. How long does it take this bamboo to grow 91 cm?
    • An hour

    • A day

    • 48 hour

    • A week

  • The primeval forests on Earth have been devastated to the tune of 80%. False or true?
    • False

    • True

  • What is the average lifespan of an oak tree?
    • 300 years

    • 500 years

    • 1000 years

    • 1500 years

  • The rose is a member of the same plant family as strawberries, peaches, apples, and apricots. Is it true or false?
    • False

    • True

10 questions remaining