How much do you know about the Cold War? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • What does NATO mean?
    • Northern Alliance of Territories and Organizations

    • North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    • New Agreement on the Terms of Occupation

    • North American Treaty Organization

  • Which nation's deployment of nuclear-armed missiles brought the United States and the Soviet Union to the verge of nuclear war in October 1962?
    • Turkey

    • South Korea

    • Cuba

    • West Germany

  • An early victory for the United States may be seen in the Soviet Union's failed siege of that city?
    • Warsaw

    • Vienna

    • Tokyo

    • Berlin

  • When this Soviet leader passed away in 1953, it eased Cold War tensions for a while. Who is he?
    • Georgy Zhukov

    • Vladimir Lenin

    • Joseph Stalin

    • Nikita Khrushchev

  • This Soviet leader made a number of reforms that sped up the fall of the Soviet Union and ended the Cold War. Who is he?
    • Boris Yeltsin

    • Mikhail Gorbachev

    • Vladimir Putin

    • Anatoly Sobchak

  • Who came up with the phrase "Cold War"?
    • George Orwell

    • Harry S. Truman

    • Dean Acheson

    • Winston Churchill

  • After World War II, this U.S.-sponsored program provided western Europe with much-needed economic assistance. What is it?
    • Dayton Accords

    • Wilmot Proviso

    • Dawes Plan

    • Marshall Plan

  • In the Cold War, there were two superpowers: the United States and...
    • Germany

    • The Soviet Union

    • China

    • North Korea

  • The two nuclear superpowers had these discussions in the 1970s to try to slow down their arms race with one another. What is it?
    • No-Nukes Now Meetings

    • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

    • Nuclear Arms Reduction Summits

    • Ballistic Missile Conferences

  • When troops from this country invaded South Korea with help from the Soviet Union in 1950, the Cold War went hot.
    • Vietnam

    • Cambodia

    • Japan

    • North Korea

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