How much do you know about these interesting ice cream flavors? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • What part of the United States is known for its "Blue Moon" ice cream?
    • New England

    • South

    • Pacific Northwest

    • Midwest

  • Do you know the color of ube ice cream?
    • White

    • Purple

    • Orange

    • Yellow

  • Where in Alaska would you find the ice cream known as akutaq?
    • Alaska

    • Vermont

    • Minnesota

    • Oregon

  • Brown bread ice cream is a specialty of which nation?
    • Germany

    • Finland

    • Ireland

    • Greece

  • Can you name the exotic fruit that gives Southeast Asian ice cream its distinctive flavor?
    • Pacay

    • Saguaro

    • Mangosteen

    • Durian

  • What special fruit is used to flavor Peru's most beloved ice creams?
    • Lucuma

    • Kumquat

    • Lychee

    • Dragonfruit

  • What animal is the Canadian orange-flavored gelato flavor named after?
    • Tiger

    • Fox

    • Lobster

    • Butterfly

  • In which of the following countries is adzuki ice cream very popular?
    • Colombia and Venezuela

    • Australia and New Zealand

    • Greece and Turkey

    • China and Japan

8 questions remaining