How much do you really know about your dog?

When was the last time you listened to your dog talk about their problems over a six pack? Can't remember? Well, you may not know your dog all that well. Don't go out and buy a security camera to watch your dog all day. We'll save you the money. Answer these questions to find out how well you know your dog.

  • What kind of dog do you have?
    • A Labrador

    • A Golden Retriever

    • He's a mix, something like mostly Labradoodle with some Husky in there.

    • He's a mutt. What mix? I have no idea.

  • Do you know what your dog prefers to eat?
    • Yes! It's a class of dog food my dog likes.

    • My dog likes bickies.

    • My dog likes shoes.

    • Yes! A special dog food brand I happen to get as a treat.

  • When it's time to take your dog for a walk, how do you let him or her know?
    • I say "who wants walkies?"

    • I say "who wants walkies?"

    • I point at the dog door and resume reading the paper.

    • I say "put on your boots!"

  • When your dog wants to go for a walk, how does he or she let you know?
    • He usually barks, heads to the front door, and paws at it.

    • She usually just comes into whatever room I'm in, stands in the doorway, and looks me in the eye for a while.

    • He scratches up the front door.

    • He just goes on a pee pad.

  • Is there a certain toy that your dog absolutely adores?
    • She has a favorite class of toy: Kong toys.

    • Balls, I think.

    • Yes! A stuffed Simba he snuggles with in his dog bed.

    • I wouldn't know, since I don't buy toys for my dog. My dog is a toy for me!

  • Can you command your dog to sit and it does so?
    • Only sometimes

    • No, but then I assume she was once abused.

    • Yes, unless someone else is contradicting me.

    • Yes, every time

  • Does your dog obey you to drop what is in its mouth?
    • Not usually, because I've played too much tug of war with him.

    • She never does, and I think it is because of her breeding.

    • Usually. He's a good boy!

    • Yes. She's a good dog!

  • Does your dog obey you when you shake hands or paws?
    • No

    • It's the one trick he can do.

    • Most of the time, yes

    • Yes, and without any encouragement

  • Does your dog get along well with other dogs?
    • Never

    • Not most of the time

    • Usually

    • Yes

  • How do you know whether your dog is happy or not?
    • She wags her whole body and licks me.

    • He makes a happy bark.

    • He bounces around in a circle, then runs up to me to lick me, then repeats.

    • She wags her tail.

10 questions remaining