How well-versed are you in the newest countries in the world?

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Which country is the newest in the world?
    • South Sudan

    • Serbia

    • Slovakia

    • Montenegro

  • In the early 1990s, what led to the creation of 15 new nations?
    • Dissolution of Yugoslavia

    • Fall of the Soviet Union

    • The Gulf War

    • Establishment of UN

  • Which other nation and Slovakia were a federative state up to 1993?
    • Poland

    • Slovenia

    • Czech Republic

    • Hungary

  • Which abbreviated name did the Czech Republic officially adopt in 2016?
    • Chechland

    • C.R.

    • Czechia

    • Czechy

  • Can you tell me what the first new nation of the 21st century was?
    • South Sudan

    • Serbia

    • Palau

    • Timor-Leste

  • Which nation had a renaming in 2019 due to a naming controversy?
    • Namibia

    • Macedonia

    • Palau

    • Turkmenistan

  • After the fall of the Soviet Union, which country did not change its name?
    • Estonia

    • Moldova

    • Kyrgyzstan

    • Belarus

  • After 1991, which country disintegrated into various smaller nations?
    • Slovenia

    • Romania

    • Macedonia

    • Yugoslavia

8 questions remaining