Imagine it's a day you've spent at school and see how you cope!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Your alarm has sounded! What is the initial step you take?
    • Get up immediately - it is better to act before you have time to overthink it

    • Press the snooze button and slumber five minutes longer

    • Lying there with your eyes open and your mind on rising, but failing to do so

    • Turn over and continue your sleep

  • Breakfast time - what is the most delicious breakfast?
    • Nothing, I'm not hungry enough

    • The cereal available

    • Something that will provide me with a great deal of vitality throughout the day, such as fruit, whole-wheat toast, eggs, or healthy cereal

    • A mars bar

  • While your father is still in the restroom, you must brush your teeth! What do you do?
    • Try to force your way in; teeth are extremely essential

    • Oh, disregard about your teeth, they're not THAT disgusting

    • Until he comes out, pound on the door and then scream at him

    • In the meantime, find something else to do, such as preparing your bags

  • You were rushing to catch the bus but JUST missed it! Which course of action is optimal?
    • Take a taxi and charge it to your mother's credit card

    • It won't be long until the next one!

    • Lie down and weep

    • Stay home and forego school today

  • You discover upon opening your satchel for the first class that your water bottle has leaked all over your books. How will you respond?
    • Hide it so no one sees

    • Put everything in the trash

    • Put them on the balcony, and read with your friends

    • Utilize a friend's book instead

  • What is your option for a snack?
    • Candy

    • Ice cream

    • Pizza

    • Fruit and nuts

  • What are you going to do now that you just realized you forgot your PE kit?
    • Don't try at all; why is everything going wrong today?

    • Run away

    • Don't make changes and hope no one sees

    • Tell your teacher about your situation. If they are good teachers, they will understand. We all forget things from time to time

  • It is time for lunch; what will you be eating?
    • Nothing, I'm not ravenous at all!

    • A hamburger and fries

    • A Greggs doughnut and some jelly worms

    • A sandwich with cheese or ham, fruit, and perhaps a snack such as chips or a chocolate bar

  • The afternoon has arrived, and you are in math class. Your friend's constant chatter prevents you from concentrating. What do you say?
    • Say, "Hey, I need to focus right now, but we can speak later, okay?"

    • Inform the instructor

    • Attempt to disregard them

    • Exclaim 'SHUTUP!' very forcefully

  • It's almost time to head home, but your pal keeps lingering and delaying you. What do you do?
    • Cry

    • Run escape

    • Let them know you're leaving

    • Sigh audibly to let others know you're irritated

10 questions remaining