Let's do these funny and interesting quiz!

It's time for a funny quiz! You think you know all about fun? Then use this quiz to clear your head!

  • As of the year 2015, what is Dorset, Minnesota, a town in the United States, known for?
    • A 3 year old mayor

    • A town hall made entirely of recycled milk cartons

    • A chip on its shoulder

    • A swimming pool that is 50 metres in length but only six inches wide

  • Why is the banana curved in your opinion?
    • It makes it easier to peel

    • For a laugh

    • Because they grow toward the sun

    • Donkus - which all grow curved

  • You will produce enough saliva in your lifetime to fill what?
    • A library

    • A Tesco Express

    • A grand piano

    • Two swimming pools

  • In what manner do you believe lobsters communicate with one another?
    • Farting

    • Weeing

    • Telepathy

    • Via WhatsApp

  • Scotland consider the unicorn to be their national symbol. True or false?
    • False

    • True

  • Which tax did Henry VIII institute in 1535?
    • Potato sacks tax

    • Mouth tax

    • Foot tax

    • Beard tax

  • What was the first soft drink in space?
    • Capri-Sun

    • Irn Bru

    • Coca-Cola

    • Vimto

  • What was written on a tablet that was found to be 3,500 years old from Babylon?
    • The world's oldest phone number

    • The world's oldest Dennis the Menace comic strip

    • The world's oldest football results

    • The world's oldest 'Your Mum' joke

  • Who or what was the first passenger ever to ride in a hot air balloon?
    • A sheep, a duck and a rooster

    • A dog, a pigeon and George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Rural Affairs

    • Destiny's Child

    • A cat, a slug and a jar of olives

  • Who came up with the word "vomit"?
    • Moby

    • Professor Paul 'Pukey' Pukington

    • William Shakespeare

    • Sir Neville Chamberlain

10 questions remaining