Need a job? How about gardening? Come on in and try to take this gardening quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Let's take it easy at first. What is this?
    • Hoe

    • Fork

    • Spade

    • Rake

  • Choose the incorrect gardening term from the choices given.
    • Honkleoffish

    • Perennial

    • Deciduous

    • Hardy

  • In what ways might a tree's age be estimated?
    • Why do you care about how old it is?

    • Method: Using a ring counter

    • Via courteous inquiry

    • Searching for it on the Internet

  • Lemons and limes—what kind of fruit are they?
    • Vegetables, in the strictest sense

    • Citrus

    • Berries

    • Stone fruit

  • The English garden is renowned for its roses. So where do they actually come from?
    • China

    • Brazil

    • Tanzania

    • India

  • Can you tell me the original name for avocados?
    • Lizard apples

    • Alligator pears

    • Dragon eggs

    • Iguana melons

  • Do you know what a "perennial is?    
    • The seasonal growth of a plant

    • An edible variety of mushroom

    • Long-lived vegetation

    • A plant with a yearly lifespan

  • Please tell me what is the item in the picture?
    • A rake

    • A spade

    • A long fork

    • Shears

  • Of these, which one is NOT a real plant?
    • Skunk Cabbage

    • Milk Thistle

    • Phrololo's sprout

    • Sneezewort Yarrow

  • It is possible for cacti to suffer sunburn. Do you think that is true or false?
    • False

    • True

10 questions remaining