Only ninety percent of people can name all of these endangered species from a single picture. Can you?

How much do you know about some of the world's most precious and endangered animals? Think you could recognize them from just one image? Take this quiz and find out!

  • What animal is in the picture?
    • Snow Leopard

    • Amur Leopard

    • Tiger

    • Saola

  • What animal is in the picture?
    • Black Rhino

    • African Elephant

    • Hippo

    • Tapir

  • What animal is in the picture?
    • Macaque

    • Gelada

    • Bornean Orangutan

    • Silverback Gorilla

  • What animal is in the picture?
    • Anteater

    • Pangolin

    • Mongoose

    • Aardvark

  • What animal is in the picture?
    • South China Tiger

    • Jaguar

    • African Lion

    • African Lion

  • What animal is in the picture?
    • Sumatran Elephant

    • Hippo

    • White Rhino

    • Quokka

  • What animal is in the picture?
    • Great White Shark

    • Vaquita

    • Orca

    • Bottle Nose Dolphin

  • What animal is in the picture?
    • Polecat

    • Wolverine

    • Black-Footed Ferret

    • Weasel

  • What animal is in the picture?
    • Blue Whale

    • Basking Shark

    • Great White Shark

    • Barracuda

  • What animal is in the picture?
    • Bluefin Tuna

    • Albacore

    • Barramundi

    • Artic Char

10 questions remaining