Only one in every fifty individuals can recognize these birds that soar over the American skies! Can you do it?

Many North American birds resemble those of Eurasia (due to the connection of the continents as the supercontinent Laurasia 60 million years ago), but many birds are distinctly North American, including hummingbirds, cardinals, warblers, and others. Check out our homeland birds quiz to see if you can spot the differences!

  • Which bird is shown in the picture?
    • Acorn Woodpecker

    • California Quail

    • Hermit Warbler

    • Barnacle Goose

  • Which bird is shown in the picture?
    • Abert's Towhee

    • Great Blue Heron

    • Mute Swan

    • Aleutian Tern

  • Which bird is shown in the picture?
    • American Kestrel

    • Magnificent Frigatebird

    • Aplomado Falcon

    • Hook-billed Kite

  • Which bird is shown in the picture?
    • Lilac-crowned Parrot

    • Crested Auklet

    • Brown Pelican

    • Mallard

  • Which bird is shown in the picture?
    • American Coot

    • Long-tailed Duck

    • Altamira Oriole

    • Mangrove Cuckoo

  • Which bird is shown in the picture?
    • King Eider

    • Hooded Merganser

    • Cattle Egret

    • Mangrove Cuckoo

  • Which bird is shown in the picture?
    • Fork-tailed Flycatcher

    • American Coot

    • Altamira Oriole

    • Green-breasted Mango

  • Which bird is shown in the picture?
    • Black-necked Stilt

    • Blue-crowned Parakeet

    • Blue Mockingbird

    • Bald Eagle

  • Which bird is shown in the picture?
    • American Avocet

    • California Quail

    • American Kestrel

    • Gray Partridge

  • Which bird is shown in the picture?
    • Eastern Bluebird

    • Barn Owl

    • American Goldfinch

    • Allen's Hummingbird

10 questions remaining