This Is It: The Ultimate Test of Your Knowledge of British Cuisine!

Know your national nosh? Could YOU tell the difference between a pie and a hotpot? Then put your skills to the test and take the quiz!

  • What do people in Britain usually eat for breakfast?
    • A fistful of cashews

    • A full English

    • An empty feeling

    • A cup of beans

  • When did the British usually eat fish and chips?
    • On their wedding day

    • During a full moon

    • Friday

    • At Paul Simon concerts

  • What do "bangers" mean in British food?
    • Edible fireworks

    • Sausages

    • Boiled sweets

    • Small oranges

  • What ingredients go into a traditional steak and kidney pie?
    • Butter and mutton

    • Minced beef and cloves

    • Steak and kidney

    • Gravy and a full working PS4 with controller

  • Which classic British dish features meat that has been wrapped in pastry and pate?
    • Beef Wellington

    • Beef Loafer

    • Beef Brogue

    • Beef Yeezy

  • Who was the British sailor in the 16th century who first introduced turkeys to England?
    • Jimmy 'The Chief' O'Keefe

    • Sir Walter Raleigh

    • Bernard Matthews

    • William Strickland

  • What dish with Indian flavors is only served in the UK?
    • Madras

    • Vindaloo

    • Chicken Tikka Massala

    • Naan bread

  • What is Melton Mowbray known for?
    • Pretzels

    • Sausage rolls

    • Pork pies

    • A bacon and chip sandwhich

  • Where in the UK does the most well-known British sausage come from?
    • Cumberland

    • Cleethorpes

    • Dunstable

    • Dundee

  • What is the Scottish dish called Arbroath Smokie?
    • Smoked haddock

    • Smoked cod

    • Smoked Mullet

    • Smoked Nemo

10 questions remaining