We'll tell you what breed of dog you are if you act as if you're drunk and make some choices.

When alcohol impairs your human thinking and animalistic instinct takes over, how do you behave? Let's find out what kind of dog you are when you are drunk!

  • When you're drunk, do you love more or fight more?
    • I'm more of a fighter.

    • I'm more of a lover.

    • I can go either way.

    • I'm more of an eater.

  • What do you do when you see someone hit on your friend?
    • I watch it play out.

    • I casually stroll over to make sure things are okay.

    • I get ready to fight the jerk.

    • I go up and put my arm around them.

  • You need to bathroom because of all the alcohol you've consumed, but there's nowhere nearby to do so. Just what are you doing?
    • I find a dark corner and do my business.

    • I do my business wherever I am.

    • I hold it until I get home.

    • I find a nearby public restroom.

  • What would you order from a menu offered late at night?
    • Waffles.

    • Burrito.

    • Bacon double cheeseburger.

    • Salad.

  • Have you ever been drunk and howled at the moon?
    • No.

    • Of course I have.

    • No, but it sounds like fun.

    • I have been told that I've howled at the moon.

  • In a drunken game, would you pick truth or dare?
    • I would choose truth.

    • I would alternate.

    • Dare all the way.

    • I would not be caught in a game of Truth or Dare!

  • How do you get from a party to your house?
    • I walk.

    • I take a cab.

    • I have a designated driver or I stay where I am.

    • I take public transportation.

  • Have you ever had a one-night stand when you were drunk?
    • No way.

    • Once.

    • More than one.

    • I don't remember, but probably.

  • What was the worst thing you did when you were drunk?
    • I got in a fight.

    • I peed myself.

    • I passed out in my own puke.

    • I passed out.

  • When you're drunk, how would your best friend describe you?
    • They'd say I was nuts.

    • They'd say I was stubborn.

    • They'd say I was funny.

    • They'd say I was sensible.

10 questions remaining