What Do You Do When You Have a Terrible Day?

It's inevitable that occasionally you'll have a poor day. Take this quiz about mental health to learn how to change your negative outlook.

  • You're worried about completing a difficult project due tomorrow. How to handle?
    • Ask your family if they've done similar homework

    • Eat and watch TV. Take a rest!

    • Consult your friends

    • Try hard

  • You and your friend have fought over something silly. What do you do next?
    • Ask your friends what they think could help

    • Ask your parents how things could be better

    • You're friends, right? Call them up and talk it over

    • Give them space and get in touch with them soon

  • You didn't get the grade you wanted on the exam. How can you deal with this?
    • Talk to the teacher and find out what you did wrong

    • Ask your parents to look over your work and work on the parts you're not sure about

    • Try to figure out how you can do better next time

    • It's not the end of the world; just do your best next time

  • You accidentally address the instructor as "mom," and the class bursts out in laughter. So, what do you do now?
    • Discover the hilariously humiliating things your loved ones have done and you'll see the funny side

    • Try to laugh it off

    • Just laugh it off; it's happened to everyone

    • Don't stress about it; everyone does it

  • The school's sports team didn't select you. So, tell me, what do you do?
    • Having a family member as a practice partner will help you progress quickly

    • You'll soon be the team's MVP if you just keep at it

    • Inquire about where you can make improvements from the coach

    • Instead than wasting time playing, practice what you're good at

  • You turn in your assignment, only to realize that you haven't fully finished it. Do you...
    • Tell your instructor what occurred and vow to do better next time

    • You won't make the same mistake twice, I hope

    • If you ask your parents, they've probably done the same thing

    • Try to get more time to finish it, because you know you can

  • You're feeling sad and don't know why. What will you do to lift your spirits?
    • Hang out with your friends and talk

    • Talk with your family and find out what they can do to help

    • Do something fun, like a hobby or a walk

    • Watch your favorite show

  • You've been chosen to lead your team, but you're not sure if you can do it. How can you get past this problem?
    • Ask a family member to give you a pick-me-up!

    • You were chosen because you are good at what you do

    • Talk to your teacher and tell him or her how you feel

    • Do something different until your big moment – a change of scenery will help

8 questions remaining