What do you know about places in classic literature? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Which country does Washington Irving's "Sleepy Hollow" take place in?
    • South Carolina

    • Delaware

    • New York

    • Minnesota

  • Which city serves as the backdrop for Victor Hugo's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame?"
    • Paris, France

    • Vatican City

    • Prague, Czechia

    • Bran, Romania

  • Which cities does "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens take place in?
    • Marseille and Genoa

    • Paris and London

    • Venice and Rome

    • London and Edinburgh

  • Which Shakespearean tragedy takes place in Elsinore, Denmark?
    • “The Tempest”

    • “Hamlet”

    • “Othello”

    • “Romeo and Juliet”

  • In which city does "Ulysses," by James Joyce, take place?
    • Hamburg, Germany

    • Stockholm, Sweden

    • Warsaw, Poland

    • Dublin, Ireland

  • Which coming-of-age novel takes place in Concord, Massachusetts?
    • “Little Women”

    • “Anne of Green Gables”

    • “To Kill a Mockingbird”

    • “The Outsiders”

  • Which city does "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Ernest Hemingway take place in?
    • Havana, Cuba

    • Segovia, Spain

    • Antibes, France

    • Key West, Florida

  • Which of these locations is a constant focal point in "The Catcher in the Rye?"
    • Big Ben, London

    • Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

    • Central Park, NYC

    • The Eiffel Tower, Paris

  • Which spa town did Jane Austen's upper class characters frequent?
    • Bath, England

    • Le Havre, France

    • Naples, Italy

    • Lucerne, Switzerland

  • Where in the world is "The Count of Monte Cristo's" fictional island located?
    • Spain

    • Italy

    • France

    • Greece

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