What it is about your Cattitude? Quiz

The sporadic behaviors of cats are not reserved just for them, but also for their hoomans. What cattitude compliments your personality?

  • If you find a cucumber on the floor, your first instinct is probably to...
    • Wonder what its doing in your house and challenge it to a duel

    • Jump as high in the air as possible and run away

    • Clean it off and eat it

    • Bat at it until you confirm it's dead

  • What is your reaction when someone hugs you?
    • I tell them I have a cold before they can get too close

    • I awkwardly hug back and hope it will be over soon

    • I hug them back for a long time even when they let go

    • I smile and hug back

  • Did you often climb trees as a child?
    • Trees? I grew up in the city

    • No, but I did like to sit under them and read a book

    • Yes! It was my favorite activity

    • Climb them? I used to practically live in them

  • What is your favorite hiding place when you play hide-and-seek?
    • Under the bed

    • I don't like to play games

    • The Closet

    • Behind a desk

  • When you see a man walking his dog, you...
    • Jump and play with them

    • Ask to if it's ok to pet them and show them some love

    • Run in the other direction as fast as possible

    • Greet them with a smile and a nod

  • What is your preferred coat color?
    • Orange

    • White

    • Gray

    • Black

  • Where do you like to snooze when you are tired?
    • Sleep? Who needs it!

    • I'll fall asleep anywhere if I'm tired enough

    • Where ever there is a beam of sunshine to warm my behind

    • On the living room couch where I can still be near everyone

  • Choose your dream home...
    • A small town house in the city

    • Beautiful country cottage

    • A nice suburban home

    • Swanky mansion on the beach

  • What kind of fur do you like the most?
    • No hair

    • Long hair

    • Medium hair

    • Short hair

  • How many cats have you ever had in your life?
    • 0

    • 1-2

    • 3-6

    • 6+

10 questions remaining