What kind of cat species exists inside of you?

Sly, smart, and able to reach impossible boxes to hide themselves in, cats keep us entertained and feeling loved! Find out which breed of furry feline companion lives in you!

  • Which response best reflects your personality?
    • Sarcastic and moody.

    • Fiery and aggressive.

    • Relaxed and laid-back.

    • Kind, caring, and sweet.

  • What is your preferred social networking platform?
    • Pinterest.

    • Facebook.

    • Instagram.

    • Twitter.

  • Choose your favorite species of fish!
    • I prefer chicken...

    • What if I don't like fish?

    • Salmon.

    • Tuna.

  • What letter of the alphabet does the initial letter of your first name begin?
    • A-G.

    • H-M.

    • T-Z.

    • Do you realize you've left a few letters out...

  • How about hugs? Do you like it?
    • If someone else tries to hug me, I suppose it's okay.

    • No, no hugs I need my space!!

    • I try to avoid hugs unless it's family.

    • I am all about the hugs!

  • Which language would you choose to master if you could only learn one?
    • Russian.

    • German.

    • Spanish.

    • French.

  • What kind of job do you want?
    • Getting paid without doing anything.

    • Supermodel.

    • Scientist.

    • Athlete.

  • What color do your eyes look like?
    • Brown.

    • Blue.

    • Green.

    • Brown.

  • Are you someone who laughs easily?
    • I don't laugh.

    • I am consistently cracking up.

    • I am consistently cracking up.

    • Sometimes, depends on my mood.

  • Do you go to the movies alone?
    • You mean people actually do that?

    • I would never go by myself!

    • Why wouldn't I?

    • I prefer to go with people but if it's something I really want to see I'll go.

10 questions remaining